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NanoMRI+ : Nanoparticles for MRI characterisation of atherosclerosis

NanoMRI+ is a project funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, this project aims to use nanoparticles for the MRI characterisation of atherosclerosis plaques using positive contrast. One of the first goals will be studying how features like core composition, surface composition and core shape affects the positive contrast capabilities of the nanoparticles.

Once best nanoparticles have been selected, we will use bioorthogonal chemistry for the best in vivo uptake of the nanoparticles.

PET/MRI characterisation of atherosclerosis

Our group has pioneered the use of 68Ga core-doped iron oxide nanoparticles (68Ga-IONP) for combined PET and T1-MRI. In the last years we have used these nanoparticles in several diagnosis scenarios. In this project we focus on the in vivo characterisation of atherosclerosis using targeted 68Ga-IONP.

Nanoparticle-based antimicrobials

Funded by an “Atracción del talento” from Comunidad de Madrid, we will look for new lipid-based nanoparticles to fight against drug-resistant bacteria by targeting biofilm formation.

In collaboration with Dr. Junkal Garmendia, from IdAB-CSIC, we will apply these lipid particles to pulmonary infections models